Tagesansicht: 14.06.2010


Symposium: "From-Heres" and "Come-Heres"

Zeit: 14:00 - 21:30

Symposium at University of Siegen: “From-Heres” and “Come-Heres”:
Perceptions of the Immigrant Other and Transcultural Encounters
in Virginia and North Rhine-Westphalia

Tentative Symposium Schedule, University of Siegen, June 14, 2010

Part 1, 2:00-5:00 p.m.

2:00-2:30 (AR-H 116)
academic follow-up to weekend field trips to Essen (European Cultural Capital) and Cologne (Jewish memorial “stumbling stones”): Sonja Georgi, Silent Promises and Articulated Remembrances: Cultural Memory in European Cultural Capital Events and German Jewish Narratives

2:30-3:00 (AR-H 116)
Charles H. Ford, Our Own Boat People:
The Norfolk Journal and Guide and the Haitian Refugees, 1979-1986

3:15-3:45 (AR-D 6104)
Susanne Engelmann and Florian Nölting will show clips from Günter Wallraff’s documentary Schwarz auf Weiss and lead discussion

ca. 3:45-4:30
tour of University

4:30-5:00 (AR-H 116)
coffee break with viewing of satire on German naturalization test

Part 2: 5:00-9:30 p.m. (Senatssaal)

Geoffroy de Laforcade, A German Scientist in the Americas: Humboldt, the Spanish Slave Colony of Cuba, and Nineteenth Century Creole Political Thought

Isabel Killough, Linguistic Identity and Ethnic Transformations:
CNN Documentaries and Latinos vs. Hispanics

Mita Banerjee, Race Matters in Cologne: Migration, Aesthetics, and Popular Culture

“Class Portraits”: students from Cathy Waegner’s seminar Contemporary Ethnic Bildungsroman will present their self-written ‘bildungsroman’ texts relating to the exhibition at the Chrysler Museum in Norfolk; the texts and portraits will also be on display in the Senatssaal

supper break and viewing of exhibition

Robert K. Perkins, Coming out of the Dark: An examination of how social capital is used in Hispanic-owned small businesses in Virginia

Stephanie G. Walker, School Integration as Internal Immigration: The Journey of the Norfolk Seventeen

NSU colleagues on potential “re-segregation” of Norfolk schools: discussion led by Charles Ford

Page R. Laws, Half Full of Grace: Changing Perspectives on the Immigrant Other in Recent Cinema

Kontakt: Cathy Waegner

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