Tagesansicht: 16.11.2013


Tagung "Politics all' italiana - crisis as a permanent condition?"

Zeit: 09:00

Ort: Senatssaal (AR-UB 032)

Italy is in need of fundamental institutional reforms in order
to remain internationally competitive and regain the
capability of efficient policy-making. This is the unanimous
and longstanding tenor of political observers as well
as of the political actors themselves more relevant than
ever following the dramatic parliamentary elections’ results
in February 2013 and in view of the grand coalition’s
government crisis persisting since Silvio Berlusconi’s
upheld conviction for taxfraud in August 2013.
Expectations rising at the beginning of the 1990s, which
claimed that after the party system’s collapse due to
the tangentopoli corruption scandals there would be a
fundamental sociopolitical turn taking place, still seem
to be unfulfilled. In fact, the alleged transition from the
“First Republic” to the socalled “Second Republic” provided
Italy with a dazzling and dominant new political
figure - Silvio Berlusconi - and established a competitive
party system based on bipolarism, however still highly
fragmented. What obviously has not been achieved is the
long desired and often requested institutional renewal or
fundamental change of the political elite’s preferences
and behavioural patterns.
At the conference, that subject will be discussed from an
interdisciplinary point of view, taking into account the
analysis of Italy’s socio-political history as well as the
country’s political system and its elites’ configuration.

Kontakt: Prof. Dr. Robert Kaiser

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